
The scale of China's foreign trade has reached a new high !!!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2022-08-30

According to news, the scale of China's foreign trade in the first half of the year hit a new high! The import and export volume in June also hit a monthly record high.

More  (the news from 潇湘晨报)

Due to the continuous impact of the global epidemic, the financial situation of many countries has fluctuated, and it is inevitable that the manufacturing industry will stop production. Under this circumstance, China has took action to quarantine the virus, quickly brought the epidemic under control, protected people health and wealth,that’s why China foreign trade production has increased. Foreign trade industry have greater prospects and future.

However, in order to stabilize foreign exchange reserves, China has become more and more strict with foreign exchange controls. Some domestic banks have been severely punished for this.

But many bosses choose to register a Hong Kong company. Why?


There are 2 points:

1.Hong Kong company can open local and offshore accounts. Loose foreign exchange controls. Various foreign currencies can be exchanged and transferred at any time. The letter of credit business is convenient and fast.

2. Benefiting tax system. The tax rate is low and the kind of taxes are fewer.

If you need more about register HK company information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.

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